
One act of stupidity………

One act of stupidity, today caused problems for the traffic, with it’s knock on effect in virtually the entire town of Agios Nikolaos, testing the nerves of drivers and visitors alike!

A car which had parked badly and been left like that by it’s owner, opposite the Pancretan Bank was enough, to cause a serious problem for large tourist coaches.

Taking into account how narrow that stretch of road is anyway, along with the trees, the addition of the badly parked car created a blockage in traffic that saw everything come to a standstill, a far back as the bridge in the Stavros neighbourhood!
Police officers on the spot tried to get help from the traffic section, but in the end, passengers on the first coach decided that there was only one solution – to lift the car and move it to open the road again!

You will see from that video that all those that helped did so with great humour but…….and when the owner of the car eventually returned to the vehicle, they couldn’t believe the problems their poor parking had caused!