
Gift of life from a humble Father Christmas

Mixalis Sofoulakis didn’t want anyone to know about the “gift of life” he is making this Christmas, but his friends had a different opinion and publicised his very generous donation.

Mixalis works as a guard at the Alikarnassos Prison in Heraklion. He had previously registered as a bone marrow donor and received a call this holiday to inform him of the fact that he has come up as being 100% compatible with a young girl in urgent need of a transplant.

He was asked to travel up to Athens to have additional tests, before the procedure can take place. He didn’t think twice in making his decision to attend the appointment. Speaking to the journalist Anna Konstantoulaki, from the Patris newspaper in Heraklion, he said that if everything goes to plan, the transplant will take place within the next few weeks.
According to Ms. Konstantoulaki, Mixalis was very humble during the interview and spoke with difficulty about what he is doing.

When asked how he felt about being in a position to help a stranger who otherwise, might not live, he replied that he cannot describe how he feels, seeing all the patients in the Athens hospital who are ill and suffering from Leukemia, waiting anxiously for a compatible door to be found. He feels highly emotional and touched as a result of his experience and wishes only that he will be able to help save a life.
