
Beware of fraudsters in this area

Most of the time, we believe that we personally would not be likely to fall victim of fraudulent incidents or events. How wrong we are! In this area alone, over recent weeks, there have been a variety of different “tricks” used to obtain money from unsuspecting people.
Although, not always, sometimes, the internet is used as the vehicle for illegally obtaining small or larger amounts of money.
Accordingto reliable statistics, around 1.802.330.457 people at this time, use the internet.
Amongst this huge number, it is not surprising that there will also be hundreds who are using it for unethical and illegal purposes. With the ease of anonymity, fake profiles create an ideal environment for anyone to defraud, deceive and cheat. The official body for fighting Electronic Crime advices great care by all and asks that any indication of illegal activity on the internet and social media pages, should always be reported and investigated by the authorities.
We share personal information continually whilst “online” and much of this information, including photographs is now stored. Below is a list of recommendations for “safe” surfing and interacting online;
  • Do not share your password with anyone – this would mean that they could post on your behalf and whatever they decide
  • Do not post photographs which show clearly your whereabouts, including home, school or places you use regularly – this way you will reduce the risk of being “confronted” in your private space
  • If you receive an insulting, malicious or unwanted message or comment, use the system provided by the social media pages to report the post,  or report it to “safeline”
  • Always be aware that what you post is available to a wide range of users, so bear in mind that some comments or photos may lead to embarrassment. Even if you delete your account, the same information may still be seen on other areas of the Net
  • Remember that all friend request acceptances mean more visibility of your profile
So, attention when online, chatting, but especially with your financial transactions in the internet and anything that doesn’t seem quite right, report it to your local Police department.