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“International” Mother’s Day today – in case you were confused!!

The celebration in honour of the mothers of this world, takes place on different dates around the year, depending on religion and traditions in each individual country, but today is the day that all the mothers, from all around the planet, can celebrate together!
Did you know that (yet again), this celebration has it’s roots in ancient Greece?
While modern Mother’s Day did not directly derive from the pagan celebrations for the goddess and titan Cybele and Rhea, the date and influence of past fertility festivals have made modern Mother’s Day synonymous with the old in many countries.
The Legacy Project writes:
“The earliest Mother’s Day celebrations can be traced back to the spring celebrations of ancient Greece in honor of Rhea, the mother of the gods. People would make offerings of honey-cakes, fine drinks, and flowers at dawn.”
Rhea was one of the titans, daughter of Uranus and Gaea, and wife to Cronus. Her first born son was Zeus, king of the gods and god of sky and thunder. She also birthed Hades and Poseidon, god of the underworld and god of the sea. According to, “she started appearing in the fourth century BC; however, she was often depicted with characteristics similar to those used for Cybele, thus making the two goddesses indistinguishable.”
Greek mythology really does have a lot to answer for!
So, when wishing your mum a “Happy Mother’s Day” this year, maybe you could try saying it in Greek?
Χρόνια Πολλά Μητέρα!!