
Project connecting those wishing to offer aid to those affected by the country’s migration crisis

#Greece’s national post office ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ ΤΑΧΥΔΡΟΜΕΙΑ Α.Ε. is running a project connecting those wishing to offer aid to those affected by the country’s #migrationcrisis.
An initiative, which began last March, allows people in Greece wanting to donate essentials to send them for free.
Packages have included personal hygiene products, towels, baby milk powder, shoes, socks, underwear, sleeping bags and blankets. NGOs and aid agencies will distribute the collected material to #refugees.
To participate, take your package to any Greek post office to send your donations to:
Hellenic Postal Service Solidarity Action
General Secretariat of Trade and Consumer Protection
Kanigos 20, 10677, #Athens
Source: AthensLive