
Old proverbs for the month of March

Looking for a suitable picture to post on our facebook page today, to herald the arrival of the new month of March and the new season of Spring, I came across some interesting sayings that are still used by older generations and especially in the more rural areas, to describe “idiosyncrasies” of each month and in this case, of March!

Basically, I think they highlight the tease that this month is, as we long for the arrival of warmer spring weather, March tries to remind us that it’s only the first month of spring, so there is still some cooler, wetter weather to come……

The first one says: If March rains twice and April once more, it will give happiness to those who have seeds planted in the ground!

And the second one: It’s March and he strokes us – sometimes he cries, sometimes he laughs.

…………….When you are in touch with nature, as the older generations nearly always were, it will nearly always remind you of what the calendar says!

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