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Massive poisoning of animals in Agios Nikolaos

We are receiving news of massive poisoning of animals over the weekend around the outskirts of Agios Nikólaos. Nearly all rubbish bins from Almiros by the ducks – at least 6 neutered cats near the duck pond have been found, to after Ammoudara, Villa Italiana , near Poppy Villas, Alkion Hotel,Phaedra Beach and probably other areas have been targeted.
Approximately 12 bins have been baited we know with fish containing a fast acting lethal poison, probably an organo-phosphate used in agriculture and against snails. Numerous cats, and two owned dogs, (one was being walked on a lead), are dead. The scale of this suggests something very planned and systematic.  It is an evil abhorrent act and a disgrace that this is still going on. Most of the cats killed were neutered and vaccinated by VOCAL at our clinic for stray animal care.
We are repeatedly instructed by the Dimos not to neuter too many street cats each month or, quote, “we shall have none left”. It would seem certain individuals or some local planned and callously implemented initiative will bring that about far more quickly, and not before many poor animals have gone through an agonising and pitiful death. And for what purpose? Within 6 months those areas will be repopulated by new cats, unneutered and unvaccinated because that’s what happens when you “remove” cats from their local habitat, new cats come to fill the space. It is illegal, cruel beyond words and it does not achieve the objective.
Virginia President, VOCAL.

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